
January Weather Report

Today begins pigeon grey but featherless-still, with bone-ache chill clinging to the skeletal fingers of scrawny trees and it looks fit to linger through the day – and not even the desperate endeavours and frantic flutterings of the small brave bands of winged...

Beware, the grey shadow-creatures know when to come calling

Loosed in that strange, uncertain, shift between death of old year and birth of next, in this peculiar no-time when, torn between casting back to the old year, in reflection, or musing on the raw pristine page of the newborn before us- already burdened with countless,...

New Years Gift

Golden shovel from my seasonal Haiku – first day of the New Year I take a walk, curious see where it leads me   Rush of childlike heart-lift as my boots are first to crimp and mar the pristine white of this apple-crisp day in the muffling cowl following the...

Being saved from fading before my time

(Cento- from The very selected Mimi Khalvati) A robin flew into my room today to hold me if light can’t No one is there for you. Don’t call, don’t cry. It had rained that day. It had primed a world- even the vine leaves shot with sun each vein a small blue...